It really started because the last mission I went on, I broke about seven different rules and codes of conduct, along with taking an unnecessary detour to an amusement park. I also go hurt pretty badly and crawled into a cave so I could regain enough strength to get back to the Reaper Society. Unfortunately, there was a search party looking for me and I was completely missed because I was in this cave.
In conclusion, Mao was assigned to keep track of me and report back to my dad when he called. This is where it gets a bit weird. Mao's fifteen years old, and I guess was a bit of a jock when he was in the human dimension. He liked to show off to girls, and he had this thing called a "skateboard," which he used to completely total my brother's (my step-brother January's to be exact) rental car while he was in the human dimension. January, completely pissed, ripped his soul out of his body and brought the soul to Na'anao, my dimension, to make up for what he'd done, and then he could return to the human dimension.
Apparently, I'm difficult to work with, flighty and sarcastic, so it's really hard to find somebody to be with me all the time. And since Mao has to do basically anything or he won't get his body back, he got the job. To make it worse, my dad put a chain with a on Mao's soul and my soul, connecting us, and we can't be more than fifteen meters apart, with the exception of when my dad calls Mao back to him for a report.
Mao and I took an immediate dislike to each other. I hate him and he hates me. We don't talk to each other if we can avoid it and, he's a bit of a perv.
I like to sketch, so here's a self-portrait!
And here's a portrait of my best friend, Nellie.
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